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Franciscan Heritage Series

Early on, CFIT decided that one of its major tasks would be to identify some of the central themes and emphases of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition, particularly as these were embodied in key theological issues.

The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition: Tracing Its Origins and Identifying Its Central Components

The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition: Tracing Its Origins and Identifying Its Central Components

Vol. 1 - Kenan B. Osborne, O.F.M., The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition: Tracing Its Origins and Identifying its Central Components (2003). Situates the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition within the broader sweep of the Church’s theological tradition and explains the basic tools used by medieval Franciscan theologians, as well as the major contributions of significant individuals.

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A Franciscan View of Creation: Learning to Live in a Sacramental World

A Franciscan View of Creation: Learning to Live in a Sacramental World

Vol. 2 – Ilia Delio, O.S.F., A Franciscan View of Creation: Learning to Live in a Sacramental World (2003). Elucidates the theology of a diverse yet harmonious creation, flowing forth from the fullness of God, as a foundational starting point for contemporary belief and practice, making connections with contemporary science and environmental studies.

Women of the Streets: Early Franciscan Women and their Mendicant Vocation

Women of the Streets: Early Franciscan Women and their Mendicant Vocation

Vol. 7 – Darleen Pryds, Women of the Streets: Early Franciscan Women and their Mendicant Vocation (2010). Broadens the study of women in the Franciscan tradition beyond the cloistered Poor Clares to examine some medieval women who pursued a Franciscan vocation in the midst of their world, attaining a significant voice within their communities.

Understanding John Duns Scotus: 'Of Realty the Rarest-Veined Unraveller'

Understanding John Duns Scotus: 'Of Realty the Rarest-Veined Unraveller'

Vol. 9 - Mary Beth Ingham, C.S.J., Understanding John Duns Scotus: 'Of Realty the Rarest-Veined Unraveller' (2017). Introduces readers to the Franciscan vision of this great medieval thinker, as expressed in key areas of philosophy and theology. Illustrates these through the poetry of Gerard  Manley Hopkins, comparing them with the thought of Thomas Aquinas. Longer than the typical Heritage volume.

Enduring Presence: Diversity and Authenticity among the First Generations of Franciscan Laity

Enduring Presence: Diversity and Authenticity among the First Generations of Franciscan Laity

Vol. 10 - Darleen Pryds, Enduring Presence: Diversity and Authenticity among the First Generations of Franciscan Laity (2018). Written as a companion to Volume 7, presents the faith journeys of six early lay women and men who chose to adopt Franciscan values and adapt them to the particular circumstances of their lives in the world.

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