We are Franciscans working together to offer an annual conference to support those who are mentoring the next generation of Franciscans.
The following institutions and organizations embody and/or support the work of the Commission on the Franciscan Intellectual-Spiritual Tradition.
We are Franciscans working together to offer an annual conference to support those who are mentoring the next generation of Franciscans.
Founded in 1943, the Academy is a research institute presently affiliated with the Franciscan School of Theology in Oceanside, California. The Academy is dedicated to the encouragement of the Franciscan Order in the Americas. It does this through the publication of monographs, primary sources, and a scholarly journal, as well as sponsoring seminars, conferences, and public lectures.
We are happy to share our partnerships with Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs, Franciscan study centers, The Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities, and more.
The ESC is an exception among the conferences of the Order in that it is not comprised of provinces in a certain geographic region, but organized on the basis of language. The ESC comprises 12 entities located in North America (Canada and the United States) and Europe (Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, and the United Kingdom). The Province of Australia is an associate member of the Conference.
The following publishers produce the majority of Franciscan-oriented books and other media, both scholarly and popular, for an English-speaking audience:
A landing page for events, conferences, publications, and other information pertaining to women in the Franciscan tradition.